Recent years have led to various arts being removed from education. In an effort to preserve core classes such as mathematics and science as well as language and athletic courses when budgets dwindle, schools have slashed funding toward in-school art programs. It’s created a major rift between those who are more creative and those who are more academically focused. However, arts supporters and benefactors such as Baryn Futa recognize how critical an artistic education can be in a child’s life.

First and foremost, arts and music are shown to improve a student’s overall academic performance. Futa has seen this time and time again. An interest in the artistic classes increases interest for students and often leads to lower dropout rates as well as higher standardized testing scores. And these benefits are often seen regardless of economic or other status. That should be a huge consideration before any school removes this educational path.

Secondly, Baryn Futa mentions that skilled and lifelong artists often discover this passion in their youth, and it’s frequently encouraged by teachers who lead arts coursework. By removing arts classes from the curriculum, a young and budding artist might be stunted in his or her growth and potential in art. That, notes Futa, would be the worst loss for the future of arts across society.